Bringing Home a New Kitten

Deciding to add to your family is a big deal and major responsibility. Once you choose to welcome a kitten into your home, there are a number of different things you need to make sure you have in place. Use these tips from your neighborhood Nashville veterinarian cat clinic to help you care for your new feline family member.


Getting the Essentials

Before bringing your new furry friend home, you need to make sure you have food, litter, a litter box, and toys for your new cat. Kittens are full of energy and love to explore. Make sure you have a lot of things for them to do. You can't go wrong with laser mice. Balls of yarn can keep kittens busy for hours too. You will have to curb their curiosity and behavior at times if you don't want them bouncing from the floor to the couch, and onto your curtains. Instead, give your kitten things he can enjoy exploring, such as cardboard boxes and paper and plastic bags.

Remember Kittens Are Not Adult Cats

You may be excited to do a lot of activities with your kitten, but remember, kittens are baby cats, not adult cats, so they still have a lot of developing and growing to do. You should never get a kitten that is younger than eight weeks old unless you also have the mother cat to care for the kitten. Kittens who are between 8 and 11 weeks of age can be safely be weaned from their mother. During this time, it is safe for kittens to eat kitten food and drink water from a bowl.

Litterbox Training

Litterbox training a kitten is a lot simpler than potty training a puppy. As soon as you bring your kitten home, place him in the litterbox, and let him explore a little. Kittens usually learn how to use the litterbox by instinct, but you can help the process by placing your kitten in the litterbox after meals and periodically throughout the day.

Show Love and Give Affection

Pet your kitten and show him affection often. Kittens love to be stroked and make good snuggle buddies. Grooming is a great time to bond with your kitten. Every so often, give your kitten treats and praise.

Preventive Care is Essential

You can enjoy many years with your pet as long as you maintain preventing care. This essential care includes

  • Scheduling appointments early
  • Asking your veterinarian about heartworms, fleas, and intestinal parasites
  • Asking about needed vaccines

How Can The Nashville Cat Clinic Help?

Here at the Nashville Cat Clinic, we are feline experts. We want to help you take care of your pets and help them enjoy a complete, rewarding life. Contact us today to learn more about our services, including spay and neuter, vaccinations, dental care, and a variety of other beneficial services. If you're a new patient, welcome! Sign up to create a pet portal. 


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  • "Mishti and I had a great visit yesterday. Well, she didn't really like it but we just went in to have her nails clipped and the techs that did it were so professional and did it quickly, much to her relief. The person at the front desk was welcoming and cheerful as always. I feel really lucky to have found such an excellent vet so close to home."
    Daryl S / Nashville, TN